EPCS Provider Credentialing

Verify physician identity and medical provider status for EPCS

ID.me provides seamless identity verification for Health Care Providers to meet Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances (EPCS) requirements.

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The Importance of Identity Proofing for EPCS

In an effort to mitigate the opioid crisis, the Drug Enforcement Administration mandated a NIST 800-63 certified identity proofing and authentication process for physicians issuing prescriptions of controlled substances online.

ID.me provides seamless identity verification for physicians and Health Care Providers to meet EPCS requirements. It is the first credential service provider in the United States to become NIST 800-63-3 certified, and it already services more than 200 organizations including healthcare systems, government agencies, financial institutions, and nonprofits.

Why healthcare organizations verify physician identity with ID.me

NIST 800-63-3 Certified

Meet IAL2 / AAL2 identity proofing and authentication standards to comply with DEA, HHS, and state-level requirements.

Interoperable Login

Once a provider has verified their identity with ID.me, that person will never have to re-verify their identity again across any organization where ID.me is integrated.

Easy to Use

Adopt a simple, intuitive, mobile-first identity verification experience, designed to meet RWD and 508 compliance requirements. Health Care Providers can complete identity proofing and self-enrollment from their offices.

Flexible Platform

ID.me offers multiple paths to verification, granting providers the flexibility to complete identity proofing through the method most convenient for them.

How it works

Step 1:

Providers create an ID.me account, which they’ll use going forward to log in and prescribe EPCS.

Step 2:

Providers' accounts are protected from takeover with Multi-Factor Authentication:

  • Enhanced SMS
  • Phone call to landline
  • Biometrics via ID.me app
  • Security key
  • Code Generator
Step 3:

Providers verify identity by taking a photo of their driver’s license, state ID, or passport, as well as a quick selfie.

Step 4:

Data extracted from the ID document pre-fills form. Providers confirm data and add SSN.

Step 5:

Providers input information such as DEA and NPI numbers to verify medical provider status.

Online, Virtual In-Person or In-Person

In addition to online identity proofing, ID.me offers in-person and virtual in-person options for users who struggle with online identity proofing or for situations where it is more convenient to receive in-person or virtual assistance.

With ID.me, the user has 3 options

1) Online Identity Proofing
2) Virtual In-Person Identity Proofing
3) In-Person Identity Proofing
Need help verifying your identity for EPCS?

If you have reviewed our FAQs and still have questions, please contact us. We're happy to help!